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American History Presentation

American History

This committee was created to stimulate a deeper understanding of American history. Each year the committee sponsors an essay contest for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. The high school students particpate in the Patriots of the American Revolution DAR essay contest sponsered by the committee.

Each year students participate in the DAR American History Essay contest. In addition, American history displays are created at various schools.

Children of the American Revolution

Children of the American Revolution

The Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) has a two-fold purpose: to inculcate a knowledge and appreciation of America's past in our youth so they can apply the experiences of history to the problems of the present. This committee assists in training C.A.R. members in leadership and patriotism.

Several chapters sponsors the Priscilla Alden Society, N.S.C.A.R. For more information about the Priscilla Alden Society, N.S.C.A.R. click here.
DAR Good Citizens

DAR Good Citizens

Emphasizing the importance of the qualities of good citizenship is the purpose of this committee. The DAR Good Citizen contest is open to all seniors in public or private high schools across the nation.

Each year, the chapter honors a DAR Good Citizen. The winner recipient receives a scholarship of gratitude from the generosity of the members of this chapter.

DAR Schools

DAR School

The committee is responsible for DAR projects in the National Society. This includes NSDAR ownership interest in Kate Duncan Smith DAR School, plus four approved schools: Berry College, Crossnore School, Hillside School, and Hindman Settlement School.

The chapter supports the DAR Schools through monetary contributions and by sending special donations, Coke Rewards, printer ink, and Labels for Education to the DAR Schools.
Literacy Promotion

Literacy Promotion

Created a little over 25 years ago to meet the challenge of the increasing number of illiterate individuals, this committee encourages the promotion of literacy in adults and children.

The members contribute hundreds of books each year to numerous locations. In addition, members spend thousands of hours reading to and tutoring children. This chapter encourages literacy in multiple languages.

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