American History | Children of the American Revolution | DAR Good Citizens | DAR School |Literacy Promotion
American Heritage | Genealogical Records | Lineage Research | President General's Project | Historic Markers, Dedications, and Presentations
Americanism | Constitution Week | DAR Project Patriot | DAR Service for Veterans | National Defense | The Flag of the United States of America


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Naturalization Ceremony


The goal of this committee is to encourage members to become involved and assist with new applicants for American citizenship. Educating native-born and naturalized Americans to be aware of the privileges and responsibilities of American citizenship.

Constitution Week Proclamation

Constitution Week

This committee's goal is to bring the U.S. Constitution and the importance of its preservation to the attention of the general public.

Every year the chapter assists with six school districts in and outside of the Bell County area to celebrate Constitution Week. A proclamation is secured from the Mayor of Temple. Articles are placed in local papers, announcements are provided to various area schools, and classes of school children study the Constitution.

Care Packages

DAR Project Patriot

Since DAR supports our men and women on active duty, this chapter assists at Fisher house and sends care packages to troops overseas.

Decorating Fisher House

DAR Service for Veterans

This committee was created in 1968. Among the diversified activities in which the DAR engages are giving thousands of hours of volunteer service, hosting parties, and donating books and other gifts.

Our chapter participates in both Memorial Day and Veterans Day activities honoring our veterans. We help the local VA Medical Centers in celebrating holidays throughout the year by providing hand written cards, goodie bags and provide much needed personal items to the VA Medical Center throughout the year.
JROTC Medal Presentation

National Defense

The NSDAR inherently stands for adequate defense of the nation. Further, it strives to encourage the preservation of our priceless heritage, protection of the Constitution and the free enterprise system, and the upholding of the precepts and ideals of a democracy in a republic.

The chapter presents JROTC medals to local high school seniors and DAR Good Citizenship Medals to eighth grade students.
Grave Marking Ceremony

The Flag of the United States of America

The committee's purpose is to encourage a strong patriotic feeling and respect for the flag. An important objective is to educate children and adults in the correct use and proper display of the flag in accordance with the Flag Code adopted by Congress.

Contact Us | Webmaster | Last Updated: October 24, 2023
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