Chapter treasurer
receiving the Constitution Week
Proclamation from the Mayor
of Frisco, Texas.
Past Regent being recognized for her service
to the chapter by Regent during the September 11, 2018 meeting.
Thomas Jefferson's women
DAR Day of Service
Project on Saturday, October 14 at the Frisco Heritage Museum. Preston
Ridge members assisted the Heritage Association of Frisco during their
Genealogy Workshop.
Chapter members
assisted those who attended the Genealogy workshop with genealogy questions and
Chapter Regent, accepted the Golden Eagle Award certificate at the District III
workshop from Susan Tillman, Texas State Vice Regent.
The members of
Preston Ridge participated in the National DAR Day of Service project by
cleaning the exhibits in the Frisco Heritage Museum.
Members did an wonderful job
cleaning the exhibits in the Frisco Heritage Museum.
Members attended the Dallas Area
Regents Council Constitution Week Brunch on September 17, 2016 at the Bent Tree
Country Club.
Preston Ridge members handed out 842 US flags during the city
of Frisco Community Veterans Parade on November 12, 2016.
Members participated in the
Packing of the Holiday Bags event on the Sam Rayburn Memorial
Veterans Center in Bonham.
Preston Ridge members placed wreaths on graves for Wreaths Across America at the DFW
National Cemetery.
Preston Ridge Christmas party 2017
Preston Ridge member is hard at work wrapping gifts at Barnes & Noble
for a chapter fundraiser.
First Ladies Luncheon on
February 18, 2017
Texas First Ladies Gown Tour was attended by several
ladies from Preston Ridge during the Texas State Conference.
The Women Airforce Service
Pilots (WASP) statue is located in The
Womans Collection research facility of the library on the TWU campus.
Members celebrated the first day of summer by enjoying
lunch together at The Heritage Table in Frisco.