Major James Kerr Chapter, NSDAR

Kerrville, Texas


The Major James Kerr Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR),​ is named for Major James Kerr, for whom Kerrville, Kerr County, and Major James Kerr Chapter were all named. Major Kerr served as a Lieutenant in the War of 1812 and as a Major in the Texas Revolution. Though a Kentuckian by birth, he was serving in the Missouri Legislature when he became interested in the colonization of Texas and was made manager of the DeWitt Colony in 1825. He was the first white man to settle on the lower Guadalupe River. His friend, Joshua D. Brown, of the upper Guadalupe, prevailed upon the Sixth Texas Legislature in 1856 to name Kerr County for Major Kerr. This was in recognition of the Major's valorous service to the Republic of Texas and his guiding influence in the growing young State.