Wolf Creek Chapter


Perryton, Texas

Organized April 1992

We meet at 6:30 in the evening every fourth Tuesday from September to May. Our June meeting, a celebration Flag Day, is held on the nearest Tuesday to Flag Day. If you would like to join us for a meeting, please contact us.



Sherrie Rima

1st Vice Regent

Cynthia Shattles

2nd Vice Regent

Anna Lee Barton


Kathy Allred

Recording Secretary

Cecelia Cates

Corresponding Secretary

Debra Dye


Frances Aston


Ann Haley


Roberta Christian


Nikki Green


Sandra Sears

Parliamentarian (appointed)

Janye Pointer


Texas DAR | National DAR


William Abernathy Thomas Kelly
John Abernathy Sr William Kelly
Samuel Augustus Barker Tillman Kemper
Thomas Bartley Jacob Leonard
Frances X Bennett William Little
Micajah Bennett Michael Luther
Henry Bishop Thomas McGuire
Nicholas Bishop Archibald McKaughan
Robert Blackwell Daniel McKenney
Martha Green Bracken John Mears
James Campbell Matthew Morse
Jonathan Carr William Neal
John Cartwright William Oates
Paul Castleberry Uriah Owen
George Cathey William Palfrey
Jacob Catron George Park
Nathan Clay Matthias Pickle
David Coe Sr Shadrack Pinkston
Edward Connor Pleasant Proffitt
Valentine Cregar William Ragsdale
Andrew Creswell Isaac Rainey
Jonathan Dakin William Randolph
George Darden Sr James Roach
Samuel Dean Ralph Rogers
William Dorris David Ross
John Duncan Michael Rourke
Isaac Ferguson William Sherrill
Mason Foley Vincent Stevens
Nathan Gann Hugh Stevenson
John Goode Jeremiah Stiles
Henry Gregg Henry Tandy
William Griffin John Taylor
Samuel Harwell Daniel Trout
Samuel Henderson Billy William Trowbridge
Aaron Henry John Tye
Edward Hogan Conrad Walters
John Hollis John Wardlaw
Moses Hougham Ebenezer Waterman
Samuel Howard Joseph Westmoreland
Joseph Howell Alexander Whitehall
Joseph Howell Benjamin Whitner
John Hunt Barnabas Wood
Thomas Jeffery Lewis Zirkle

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Last update ☑ 17 August 2021.