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The James McHenry Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), cordially invites you to a star-spangled programs and projects chapter.

About James McHenry

James McHenry represented Maryland at the Constitutional Convention soon after immigration to America from Ireland.  Less than five years after landing in Philadelphia, McHenry included himself as one of the "sons of freedom" and joined with the Continental forces surrounding Boston.

The young immigrant was a strong nationalist with a strong focus on the concept of a united America.  His concept of the true patriot was the man whose goal was "absolute independency."  He served on General George Washington's personal staff.  His experience in the Army convinced him that the only obstacles to nationhood were timidity of the citizenry and "disunion" among the states. His public service career lasted into the second decade of the new republic.  He consistently and strongly upheld the ideal of a strong central government, as embodied in the Constitution, as the best guarantee against any such disunity or loss of national purpose in the future.

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