Welcome to DAR
Thank you for your interest in the Greater Dallas Chapter. DAR stands for Daughters of the American
Revolution. Our organization was founded in 1890 with the Greater Dallas Chapter organized in 1977.
Our focus is to promote patriotism, historic preservation, education, while honoring our Patriot
Do you think you have ancestors that were in America at the time of the American Revolution? Do you
have a relative that was/is a member of DAR? We offer membership to any woman 18 years or older who
can prove lineal descent from a Revolutionary War Patriot We will work with you to determine if
you are eligible to join.
Greater Dallas is a vibrant growing chapter with members of all ages. We have a number of younger
and junior members who are active in chapter work. Being a community service organization we
sponsor elementary school essay contests, ROTC awards, donate funds and our time to local Veterans
and active duty military personnel and more. Chapter meetings are held once a month on a Saturday.
We welcome prospective members, contact us for membership and
meeting information.